Part 4 | Gamer Guides: Your ultimate source for all games... (2024)

Mission #1

Part 4 of the Paper Trail mission starts off like the other ones, with you having to give chase after Celia. This time, however, it doesn’t lead to a crime scene, but you still have to pick up the origami dove she leaves behind. Take the dove to your marker to upload it to your online profile.

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The only clue for right now is the dove and at the bottom of it is a FAN number, so you know what that means. You have to go to the DUP Intranet page and insert the FAN you got there. This brings you to a report about some Lifeline Activists, with another FAN listed on it, so insert that number into the box to get a shredded flyer.

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The origami dove with the FAN number (left) and the shredded flyer reassembled (right). The number on the flyer is different for each person.

Once you piece the flyer back together (you can drag the pieces using your mouse), you should see a 10-digit number and a mention about Lifeline’s forums. Go to their site and then scroll down until you see a link to their forums, where you will see some topics.

The first topic about a video (titled Funny Flick) is the one you want, and you’ll be prompted to enter a code, so use the one from the shredded flyer and watch the video. Refresh your profile on Paper Trail to see you’ve finished this mission.

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Mission #2

At the beginning of this mission, you are told to look at the picture to find out where the dead bodies are stashed. This is a bit confusing, but the thread with the video in it on the Lifeline forums has a picture at the end, showing off Olaf’s Sea Shack. If the image isn’t loading for some reason, keep clicking on that post and hope it shows up.

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The image taken from the Lifeline forums (left) and a tag taken from one of the bodybags (right).

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Either way, if you don’t remember where Olaf’s is located, it was visited during the main storyline right before meeting with Fetch. It’s located in Market District and when you get close enough, a white circle will appear on your map. You need to find 8 body bags in the area and grab the tags from them. They should be close to the tapered off areas, in sets of two, two and four, with a prompt to grab the tag when near their feet.

Once you’ve found them all, bring them to the marker to upload them to your online profile. When you view them, you’ll see a bunch of red dots along the bottom of each tag. There are eleven sets for each tag, with each set representing a number. To get those numbers, you have to figure out the pattern using the corresponding block for each tag.

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For example, the first number can be gotten by taking the first block from each tag and figuring out the placement of all red dots, which will reveal a number. You can use a sheet of paper to try it by hand, or a program like Paint or Photoshop to assist you. The code is 02240835619 , which you can enter on the DUP Intranet.

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The message on Bennett’s phone before assembling it (left) and after piecing it together (right).

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You’ll get a report with another 11-digit number to put into the Intranet, so do that to get a profile report on Tyler Bennett. On the bottom of the third page will be another 11-digit number, so put that into the Intranet to get Tyler Bennett’s phone on your screen. Click on it and you will have to piece together the messages, but the important part is the ID at the top (which is random), so get that and put it into Delsin’s phone to finish this mission.

Mission #3

You need to track down Purity_Now’s location using your phone, so get on top of a high building and get a location. Once you get to him, you can either kill or heal him, so do whichever you want. Pick up the DUP drive, as well as the new origami dove, then you’ll be finished with part 4.

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Part 4 | Gamer Guides: Your ultimate source for all games... (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.