Metroid RP: Remnants (2024)

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Meta-ridley Yep, they play music too from right behind you. Since: Feb, 2010

Yep, they play music too

#1: Feb 23rd 2011 at 7:34:53 AM

Here's the sign-up [1] and here's the discussion for anyone new [2].

-inside the briefing room of the Federation Frigate Thor, the bounty hunters have been called and have assembled. Also there are about four marines with the insignia Alpha and their shoulder-plates. The Thor's captain: Captain Reynolds begins the brief for the operation-

Ok, everyone's here. I know everyone knows the basic premise but here are the details. Bravo squadron have already been sent down to infiltrate the base, they'll bring down the ground defense system's so all of you can commence the attack. The primary target are the four AA cannons positioned around the base. When you bring those down, we'll be able to reinforce you with some of our own firepower. Once the cannons are down, your next target is Pirate Commander Narai, he's the head of that ship and I'm sure you'll be able to get information from him.

-behind the captain a screen showing the base and all of the targets appears-

Let's hit them hard and fast! Go to the hangars, don't waste any time!

edited 23rd Feb '11 8:03:51 AM by Meta-ridley

Ashe?Really?Sad Little Try-hard.

Dragon572 from DATA EXPUNGED! Since: Feb, 2011

#2: Feb 23rd 2011 at 4:00:59 PM

"You made a good choice hiring me." said a tall reptilain hunter. "Hitting hard and fast is what I do best." He turned and dashed down the hallway, heading for the hangar.

Why do others fear the dark? The darkness is kind. You don't see your end coming, and don't have to know until it's happened.

MadeOfAxes Not Literally Me Since: Feb, 2010

Not Literally Me

#3: Feb 24th 2011 at 9:46:00 AM

-The spacesuit containing the entity known as Wakeful Penitent turn and loped towards the hangar, muttering through his suits transceiver-

The first man comes in the form of a blind beggar by the roadside, dressed in black rags and pleading faintly...

"One thing, though- apparently the eldest goat is the bastard child of Muhammad Ali and the Hulk." ~ Exelixi, on The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Tachyonwolf Since: Apr, 2010

#4: Feb 24th 2011 at 3:59:51 PM

-Gram Victor ran down the hall, barely missing the Reptilian hunter- HEY watch it... wait... did I miss the briefing?

Dragon572 from DATA EXPUNGED! Since: Feb, 2011

#5: Feb 24th 2011 at 4:03:54 PM

The hunter of Caltana skidded to a stop. "Yes, it would seem you did. We're getting ready to go right now."

Why do others fear the dark? The darkness is kind. You don't see your end coming, and don't have to know until it's happened.

Tachyonwolf Since: Apr, 2010

#6: Feb 24th 2011 at 4:22:46 PM

BLAST! well I just got here, I was delayed on my transfer over to the Thor. But I guess my ships fueled so I'm ready to go I guess. -turning around and fallowing to the hanger-

Dragon572 from DATA EXPUNGED! Since: Feb, 2011

#7: Feb 24th 2011 at 4:42:28 PM

The hunter headed into the hangar, heading towards a large, yet elegant dropship.

"Ahh... The Lady of Winter." He said, admiring it.

He shook his head. He could admire his beautiful ship later.

He quickly opened the hatch and stepped inside, sitting down in the pilot's seat, running a full systems check.

"All systems green. Good." hitting a switch to close the hatch, he fired up the engines. The engines didn't so much as pur.

"Silent and lethal... Just the way I like it."

edited 24th Feb '11 7:18:17 PM by Dragon572

Why do others fear the dark? The darkness is kind. You don't see your end coming, and don't have to know until it's happened.

Meta-ridley Yep, they play music too from right behind you. Since: Feb, 2010

Yep, they play music too

#8: Feb 25th 2011 at 12:51:59 AM

-the captain's voice came over the radio of the Lady of Winter-

I'm uploading the co-ordinates to your ship's navigation system and have already done so for everyone else, wait for everyone else before landing.

-Alpha squadron ran up towards their ship, The Last Bottle. The name made no sense to anyone else, however the crew did laugh every time it was mentioned. The hatch closed as the last member clambered in. Then the engines fired up, audibly louder than the Lady of Winter's-

edited 25th Feb '11 1:54:19 AM by Meta-ridley

Ashe?Really?Sad Little Try-hard.

Zecromancer sad*stIC CONCLUSION from In an nutshell. Since: Feb, 2011


#9: Feb 25th 2011 at 1:08:38 AM

The silent being thought about the last assignment given at briefing and muttered words that are almost inaudible. He saw marines rushing to the hangar and followed them assuming that the mission was about to begin, As he walks to the hangar he decides to take the shortcut to the hangar instead of being late for his next mission.-As he arrives to the hangar he can see the bottle and lady winter about to take off so he quickly rushes off to his gunship before they leave.

edited 25th Feb '11 1:10:31 AM by Zecromancer

"There is no kill like overkill."

MadeOfAxes Not Literally Me Since: Feb, 2010

Not Literally Me

#10: Feb 25th 2011 at 1:47:56 AM

And the second man comes in the guise of a pilgrim in white robes, with a lantern and a book in his hands. He is a purposeful wanderer, far from his distant home-land...

-Wakeful Penitent limps into the hangar and clambers aboard the Void Traveller, starting up the engines-

"One thing, though- apparently the eldest goat is the bastard child of Muhammad Ali and the Hulk." ~ Exelixi, on The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Tachyonwolf Since: Apr, 2010

#11: Feb 25th 2011 at 5:30:23 AM

-Victor quickly jumped in to his very small interceptor gunship, the Valkyrie, and engaged the thrusters. The sound was actually a quite hum.- Did'ya miss Val? -he said with a smile. the ship responded by displaying the navigation charts of the area-

edited 25th Feb '11 5:34:00 AM by Tachyonwolf

Meta-ridley Yep, they play music too from right behind you. Since: Feb, 2010

Yep, they play music too

#12: Feb 25th 2011 at 5:39:57 AM

-the hangar doors open, revealing the emptiness of space around them. It makes a loud clang as the doors strike the edge of the ship. The Last Bottle rises up and proceeds to leave the ship, diving towards the planet at full speed-

edited 25th Feb '11 5:40:27 AM by Meta-ridley

Ashe?Really?Sad Little Try-hard.

Dragon572 from DATA EXPUNGED! Since: Feb, 2011

#13: Feb 25th 2011 at 9:15:26 AM

The lady of Winter rose ever so slightly off the ground, before shooting forward after Last Bottle.

Inside, the hunter of Caltana's hands danced across the controls, getting everything ready. He readied the weapons systems just in case, engaged the cloaking device and camouflage, and hit the autopilot's holo-switch.As his ship headed towards the planet, angled so that it would enter well out of range of the AA guns, the hunter of Caltana Rose from his seat, and walked towards the doors. He reached out to his side, easily finding his sniper, hanging there, where it always was.

"Good morning, hunter." came the voice of the ship's AI.

"Good morning, Sierra." He raised his sniper, examining it thoroughly, then let it swing down, slapping into his palm. "As soon as we're through the atmosphere, kick the door."

"Aye, Captain."

edited 25th Feb '11 9:23:27 AM by Dragon572

Why do others fear the dark? The darkness is kind. You don't see your end coming, and don't have to know until it's happened.

Tachyonwolf Since: Apr, 2010

#14: Feb 25th 2011 at 6:34:01 PM

-Victor looking nervous set a few more of his ships settings then fallowed the other ships out of the bay-

Oh gosh what have I gotten my self into this time... I miss my old life. Things were easy... -half snickering, half moaning- yeah didn't have to kill to make ends meat.

-looking at the scanner-

HEADS UP! Looks like we may have incoming!

edited 25th Feb '11 6:34:41 PM by Tachyonwolf

Dragon572 from DATA EXPUNGED! Since: Feb, 2011

#15: Feb 25th 2011 at 6:57:24 PM

The hunter of Caltana heard the phrase over the radio.

"Sierra, get us back up there!"

"Captain, I am certain the federation will be fine without our assistance."

"Who said anything about being worried for them? I just don't want them to have all the fun."

"Aye, sir." Said the AI, turning the ship around.

Why do others fear the dark? The darkness is kind. You don't see your end coming, and don't have to know until it's happened.

Meta-ridley Yep, they play music too from right behind you. Since: Feb, 2010

Yep, they play music too

#16: Feb 26th 2011 at 1:23:12 AM

-the Last Bottle turns around and begins flight back up to the Thor-

What's incoming?

Ashe?Really?Sad Little Try-hard.

Zecromancer sad*stIC CONCLUSION from In an nutshell. Since: Feb, 2011


#17: Feb 26th 2011 at 4:59:46 AM

My gunship starts humming as I start the thrusters and I briefly follow the bottleship and other hunters, I fly towards it's right flank incase the pirates launch fighters or whatever they may have left on the planet.

The transmission channel starts up, "This is hex to the bottleship, Do you read?"

"There is no kill like overkill."

Meta-ridley Yep, they play music too from right behind you. Since: Feb, 2010

Yep, they play music too

#18: Feb 26th 2011 at 5:59:00 AM

-the radio crackles on the Last Bottle, Hex's voice coming loud and clear. The Alpha squadron sergeant replies-

Yes, we hear you. We're heading back to the Thor, one of the hunters thinks we might have incoming hostiles.

Ashe?Really?Sad Little Try-hard.

Tachyonwolf Since: Apr, 2010

#19: Feb 26th 2011 at 6:36:38 AM

enemy craft are inbound! I'm not sure but the enemy may have known more about this attack then we thought.

Meta-ridley Yep, they play music too from right behind you. Since: Feb, 2010

Yep, they play music too

#20: Feb 26th 2011 at 8:46:23 AM

-three pirate, Triad-class fighters fly towards the Thor, firing their main cannons as they go. The Thor's main weapons aim and begin firing, but the aircraft avoid the shots-

This is Captain Reynolds to all aircraft, pull back and take out those fighters!

-the Last Bottle begins to fire on one of the aircraft, getting a glancing shot on one of the fighters. That fighter quickly re-targets and begins shooting at the Last Bottle-

Ashe?Really?Sad Little Try-hard.

Dragon572 from DATA EXPUNGED! Since: Feb, 2011

#21: Feb 26th 2011 at 11:19:47 AM

The pirate fighter only gets off three shots before blossoming in a blast of flame.

For a quick moment, there's the outling of The Lady of Winter, but that dissapears just as quickly, as the stealth ship streaks past, already in pursuit of her next target.

edited 26th Feb '11 11:20:12 AM by Dragon572

Why do others fear the dark? The darkness is kind. You don't see your end coming, and don't have to know until it's happened.

MadeOfAxes Not Literally Me Since: Feb, 2010

Not Literally Me

#22: Feb 26th 2011 at 11:46:36 AM

-The Void Traveller glides out of the hangar and into space, the weaponised salvage vessel turning it's cutting laser into the flight path of the nearest fighter. Without extremely skilled manouevres, the craft will be bisected as it passes through the beam-

The third man carries a candle and a spade still tarnished by the soil from the grave he has dug for his son.

"One thing, though- apparently the eldest goat is the bastard child of Muhammad Ali and the Hulk." ~ Exelixi, on The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Meta-ridley Yep, they play music too from right behind you. Since: Feb, 2010

Yep, they play music too

#23: Feb 26th 2011 at 2:02:57 PM

-the fighter attempts to fly ouit of the way of the beam, only to have it's left wing awed off by the laser. As the fighter plummets downwards, spiralling out of control, the other fighter quickly darts to the right, attempting to run away from the bounty hunter's ships-

Ashe?Really?Sad Little Try-hard.

Dragon572 from DATA EXPUNGED! Since: Feb, 2011

#24: Feb 26th 2011 at 3:45:13 PM

"This is Lady Of Winter: He's all yours, Valkyrie. Get him before he escapes!"

Why do others fear the dark? The darkness is kind. You don't see your end coming, and don't have to know until it's happened.

Tachyonwolf Since: Apr, 2010

#25: Feb 26th 2011 at 5:43:52 PM

Yes sir! -he said locking on and firing his missiles, the missiles not exploding when they get close but instead they throw a force field in front of the fighter, causing it to crash- Bang! down you go. To do well you have to think out side the box... at lest thats what I hope... I'm still kinda new to this.

edited 26th Feb '11 5:45:59 PM by Tachyonwolf


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Metroid RP: Remnants (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.