How to Earn and Get More Card Pack Rolls in Anime Bot Mudae (2024)

Mudae is a popular anime character collecting bot for Discord. With over 100,000 characters from various anime, manga, video games, and more to collect, it can be addicting trying to claim your favorite waifus and husbandos. Here are some tips to earn more rolls and increase your chances of getting rare cards in Mudae.

Table of Contents

  • Use Kakera Effectively
  • Optimize Your Disable List
  • Use $PersonalRare
  • Buy Premium Perks
  • Grind Explore Reactions
  • Play Minigames
  • Join Giveaways
  • Buy Kakera Loot Boxes
  • Use Daily Kakera Spawns
  • Play the Market
  • Time Your Rolls Around Events
  • Get Lucky with Badge Bonuses
  • Claim High Kakera Value Characters
  • Divorce Duplicate Characters
  • Participate in Server Events
  • Invite New Players
  • Support the Patreon
  • Conclusion

Use Kakera Effectively

Kakera is the in-game currency in Mudae. It has many uses:

  • Upgrade wishlist size and roll rate
  • Buy wishlist protections to guarantee you can claim wished characters
  • Purchase boosted roll chances and extra daily rolls
  • Expand your harem size to hold more characters
  • Unlock special profile badges and titles

When starting out, focus kakera on wishlist upgrades first. A bigger wishlist means more chances at rolls you specifically want. Once your wishlist is a decent size, save up for wishlist protections so wished characters can’t be stolen.

Later on, boost your rolls per hour, roll rate, and harem size. More rolls means more chances at new characters to claim.

Optimize Your Disable List

A disable list prevents certain characters from appearing in your rolls. With over 100K in the full pool, disable unwanted series to increase your chances at those you do want.

Disable entire bundles like “Mobile Games” or “Sports Anime” instead of individual series. Check the wiki for the largest bundles to disable many characters at once. Slowly fine-tune your list to filter out more unwanted characters over time.

Use $PersonalRare

The $personalrare command gives a higher chance to roll characters you already own but have few copies of. This helps limit duplicates so you can expand your collection faster.

Buy Premium Perks

For $5/month Patreon supporters, Mudae offers premium perks including extra daily rolls, boosted kakera gains, and more. If you enjoy Mudae, premium is worth it for serious collectors.

Grind Explore Reactions

Reacting to Mudae’s explore posts in its home server earns a few kakera per react. Do this daily along with voting in #polls and checking $daily to grind out more kakera.

Play Minigames

Mudae has mini text-based games that can reward kakera like the Pokéslot casino and Rock Paper Scissors. These are fun ways to earn a bit of extra kakera daily.

Join Giveaways

Mudae’s home server and many others do frequent kakera giveaways and events. Join servers like Mudae World to stay updated on giveaway opportunities.

Buy Kakera Loot Boxes

Once you’ve progressed far into the late game after months of playing, kakera loot boxes can give rare rewards like thousands of kakera, boosted roll rates, and more. However, they are expensive and mostly reward low amounts of kakera.

Use Daily Kakera Spawns

Premium members get daily guaranteed kakera spawns they can claim with the $mk command. Use these as often as possible to boost your daily kakera income.

Play the Market

Buying and selling high value characters can net some decent kakera profits. However, this requires studying trends in the market prices characters go for.

Time Your Rolls Around Events

Certain holiday events like Valentine’s and Halloween will boost drop rates for related characters and series. Try to save up rolls to use during these events to target seasonal characters.

Get Lucky with Badge Bonuses

Meeting badge unlock requirements will randomly reward bonuses like thousands of kakera. However, these are completely random and unreliable.

Claim High Kakera Value Characters

When you claim a character, you gain kakera equal to a percentage of that character’s value. So snagging valuable SSRs from popular series will earn good kakera.

Divorce Duplicate Characters

You gain a chunk of kakera for divorcing duplicate characters above your server harem limit. This is an easy way to gain some bonus kakera when removing excess copies.

Participate in Server Events

Many Mudae servers host events like raffles, auctions, and games that give out kakera prizes. Be active in servers you play in to get a shot at these rewards.

Invite New Players

If someone joins Discord with your invite link and raises a Mudae to level 30, you’ll be rewarded with kakera.

Support the Patreon

Top Patreon supporters get the best kakera boosts possible with increased daily spawns, higher claim rewards, boosted badge bonuses, and more. Whaling out on the Patreon gives a major advantage.


It takes plenty of patience and daily effort to accumulate kakera quickly as a free player. Optimizing your playstyle and taking advantage of all opportunities can help. But ultimately, buying kakera shop perks, premium, loot boxes, and high-rarity characters will progress your account much faster than grinding as f2p.

How to Earn and Get More Card Pack Rolls in Anime Bot Mudae (2024)
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